TOWNSEND -- Creation of an Ad- Hoc Committee to investigate funding for the proposed Squannacook River Rail Trail, review of the new trash and recycling system with G.W. Shaw, Inc., and an assessment of the findings by the Community Preservation Act Study Committee were just some of the items on the agenda for selectmen Tuesday night.
Groton Selectman Peter Cunningham represented his board in suggesting that Townsend selectmen create an Ad-Hoc Committee to research funding options for the proposed Squannacook River Rail Trail.
The mission of the committee would be to map out the costs that may go along with the undertaking. This includes everything from engineering costs and liability insurance for the town to a projected cost for maintaining Townsend's section of the trail.
The committee would be similar to the group created in Groton. The five person, official town committee would be subject to open meeting public records laws. This would create a more efficient group than a purely citizen effort because of the potential for pressure to accomplish the assigned task quickly and efficiently.
The suggestion was agreed upon and a posting will be made available next week for the five members they are looking for to comprise the committee.
Chairman David Chenelle hopes the town is "lucky enough to have more than five applications so we can hand pick a cross-section of personalities."