Squannacook Greenways logo

Construction funded by all our donors and:

Donor organizations logos

Thanks to everyone who helped us raise funds for this rail trail! It is due to you that the rail is now complete from Townsend center to Bertozzi in Groton!


A special thanks to all the businesses and individuals that donated at the granite bench or grantite pillar level, listed below on this page, and to the supporters who bought bricks during the 2016, 2018, 2021, and 2022 fundraisers. Thank you so much to everyone!

And finally, thanks to the organizations that supported out trails with grants: the Community Foundation of North Central Massachusetts, the Bruce J. Anderson Foundation, the MassTrails/Department of Conservation and Recreation, and the New England Grassroots Environmental Fund.


Still want to donate? Your help is still appreciated! Donate on-line, by check, or use Amazon Smile:

Donate on-line
To donate on-line via PayPal, click the Donate button:
Donate by check
To donate by check, mail your check made out to Squannacook Greenways to:
Squannacook Greenways
88 South Harbor Road
Townsend, MA 01469
Squannacook Greenways Granite Bench donors

Squannacook Greenways is honoring donors who have pledged $5000 or more with their names on granite benches placed along the Squannacook River Rail Trail. Please thank our granite bench donors when you see them! This fundraising is running on an on-going basis. Contact Bill Rideout if you are interested in discussing being a granite bench donor.

  • In memory of Faith Wilkinson
  • Terry McNabb, friend of Townsend ☘ McNabb Pharmacy
  • Bill and Deb Reeves (To be installed when Phase 4 complete)
  • Ride out into Adventure! 🚲
  • Steve Meehan (To be installed when Phase 4 complete)
  • Steve Meehan - Friend and First Pres Sq Greenways
  • In Memory of Mark F. Derome (To be installed when Phase 4 complete)
  • Happy Trails!  In memory of Joseph W. Ebbs, Jr. of Townsend
  • In Memory of Susan (Langton) Torres (To be installed when Phase 4 complete)
  • Contact Bill Rideout if you are interested in discussing being a granite bench donor.
Squannacook Greenways Granite Pillar donors

Squannacook Greenways honored donors of $1000 or more with their names on a granite pillar located at the Depot St parking area in Townsend.

  • John and Mary Barrett
  • Paul Sebring and Joan Wotkowicz
  • Ken and Sue Gerken
  • Bill Wilkinson
  • Hirk and Louise Fortin
  • Evans on the Common
  • Jeff and Beth Dominick
  • The Kyte Family
  • Steve Meehan
  • Bruce Easom
  • Peter and Jean Cunningham
  • Sharon Gage
  • The Shambergers
  • Edward Tokarski
  • Arrow Septic - Mike Whittemore
  • Workers Credit Union
  • Dunkin’ Catalano Management
  • North End Subaru Mazda
  • Nashoba Paddler
  • Deluxe Corporation
  • Rollstone Bank and Trust
  • Will and Sharon Hackler
  • Townsend Center Realty
  • Bailey’s Bar & Grille
  • Squanicook Associates Real Estate
  • Apple Meadow Hardware
  • The Rideout Family

Grantite pillar donors

Thanks to Townsend Memorial for doing a great job!
Squannacook Greenways Grants Awarded

Finally, Squannacook Greenways wants to sincerely thank those agencies who have awarded us grants. Without their help, this rail trail would never have been possible!

Community Foundation of North Central Massachusetts

In June of 2017 we received a $15,000 grant from the Community Foundation of North Central Massachusetts. This critical grant pushed the construction fundraising to $106 thousand dollars, well past the 2/3 of our $150,000 goal. In addition, in 2013, the Community Foundation of North Central Massachusetts awarded an $18,000 grant to Squannacook Greenways that played a key role in Squannacook Greenways being the first non-profit ever to sign the MBTA lease. We also won a grant of $4300 in 2022 to help build phase 4.

New England Grassroots Environment Fund logo

We have received three grants from the Bruce J. Anderson Foundation for a total of $25,000 grant to help pay for construction. Informed by intelligence, sensitivity, and the knowledge of many countries and cultures, Bruce J. Anderson was a serious and idealistic young man who cared deeply about the problems he saw around him. The Bruce J. Anderson Foundation was established in 1980 by Bruce's brothers and sisters to honor Bruce and support the causes he championed. The Bruce J. Anderson Foundation is a supporting organization of the Boston Foundation. Squannacook Greenways, with its goal of making life better and more active for all residents, but especially younger ones, is proud to have been chosen to receive these grants.

MassTrails logo

MassTrails/DCR has been the largest funder of this rail trail, ans we owe this great organization a debt of gratitude. In June 2022, we received a $166,000 grant from Mass Trails to fund construction of phase 4. In June 2022, we received a $96,000 grant from Mass Trails to fund construction of phase 3. In June 2020, we received a grant of $115,000 to cover the costs of the first phase, from Depot St to Old Meetinghouse Road. In June 2019, Squannacook Greenways was awarded a $27,780 MassTrails grant to help cover construction costs pertaining to permitting requirements. This is in addition to the $6,100 grant from the Massachusetts Recreational Trails Program in August 2016. That grant helped cover cost associated with engineering and permitting. In 2007, the Department of Conservation and Recreation awarded an $20,000 grant to to pay for Townsend's portion of a preliminary environmental and engineering study by a professional engineering firm.

New England Grassroots Environment Fund logo

In 2008, the New England Grassroots Environment Fund awarded the rail trail advocates a grant of $1,000. The funds from this grant were used to pay for an informational mailing to Townsend households about the public meeting held by Fay Spofford & Thorndike (FST).
Other business donors

Thanks to other businesses who have also donated to Squannacook Greenways!

  • Middlesex Savings Bank
  • Hannaford Bags 4 My Cause
  • Amazon Smile